* CNY is an impromtu drama, in which host and guest both are actors and audience; so for a good 茶事, the guests need to be well-versed (CQ26). > Story from the [[nampouroku|南方録(なんぽうろく)]], in which 津田宗及(つで てんおうじや そうきゅう)visited 利休 on a whim. 利休 received him in the room, with the fire burning low and goes out to get fresh water. 宗及 in the meantime sees the fire being near the end, and lays new charcoal in the meantime. 利休 was very impressed by this. * 3 sips: the first for the eyes, the second for the taste, the third to feel the soul the host has put into it (apart from powdered tea and water, he only adds his soul). * ふまい まつだいら: A mistake of the host is actually a mistake of the guest and vice-versa. The story of 利休 visiting ちくあん, who was so excited he was trembling, comes to mind. * sitting: in 利休's time, people didn't sit on their calves, but cross-legged, raising one knee for drinking akin to Korean sitting styles to show respect.