======筒茶碗絞茶巾====== * つつじゃわん しぼりじゃきん * Seasonal 点前 for the coldest winter months, using a [[chawan|筒茶碗(つつちゃわん)]] ====Overview==== In Urasenke, it is only done for 薄茶(うすちゃ), and can be done with or without 棚(たな). According to [[http://chanoyu-to-wa.tumblr.com/post/137057832368/some-random-thoughts-on-the-practice-of-chanoyu|Burkus]], however, 利休 used the 筒茶碗 also for 濃茶(こいちゃ)- this is something I will have to try out! * Uses a [[chawan|筒茶碗(つつちゃわん)]], which requires different handling. I think the way this 茶碗 is handled gives a feeling of warmth. * The 茶巾 is folded during the 点前 so that the 茶碗 can thoroughly warm up in the time when the 茶巾 is being folded (CQ82). CJ suggested this may also be because it is easier to take it out of the 茶碗 if it's 絞り(しぼり). * Theoretically, I presume you could do 絞茶巾 without a 筒茶碗(つつじゃわん). * A 茶筅 with a slightly longer handle may be used. {{ ::tsutsuchawanchasen.jpg?direct&300 |}} ====Preparation==== * 茶碗 is warmed with hot water in the 水屋(みずや). The 茶巾 is soaked in hot water, too, and wrung out just before the 点前 starts. It is placed in the 茶碗 so that the ears are up and on the left side of the 茶碗. {{ ::tsutsuchakin.jpg?direct&300 |}} ====Differences==== * Since it is a 炉 点前, the door is closed when bringing in the 建水. * The 茶碗 is held from the side, both by the host and the guests. For the guests, this is particularly nice, since they can warm their hands on the hot 茶碗. {{ ::tsutsuchawanhold.jpg?direct&300 |}} * After 棗and 茶杓 have been purified, and 茶筅 been taken out, move the 茶碗 closer to your knees with R. Then, pick up 柄杓(ひしゃく), remove 釜 lid, remove the 茶巾 from 茶碗 and put it on the 釜 lid, with the ears pointing left. {{ ::tsutsuchakinplace.jpg?direct&300 |}} * The left hand tilts the 茶碗: * When the 茶筅 is inserted * When 茶筅とおし is performed * When the tea is whisked * However, before the final circular movement at the end of 茶筅とおし, the 茶碗 is put flat down again. * Because the tea is whisked with the 茶碗 tilted, it might make sense to scoop it into the right side of the 茶碗. {{ ::tsutsutilt.jpg?direct&300 |}} * After 茶筅 is inserted, the 茶巾 is folded. This is to allow for the bowl to warm up thoroughly. After folding, the 茶巾 is placed on the 釜 lid again. * When emptying the 茶碗 into the 建水(けんすい), it is held with the left hand at the bottom. {{ ::tsutsuchawandump.jpg?direct&300 |}} * Cleaning the 茶碗 with the 茶巾: * 茶碗 is held at the bottom. * Hold the 茶巾 in the usual way, bring it to the brim of the 茶碗, then rehold it with the index and third finger. * Wipe the bottom of the 茶碗 first, then the sides. * When wiping the sides, the fingers of the left hand tend to get in the way. Because of that, I think it makes sense to curl the fingers of the right hand slightly when wiping the 茶碗. {{ ::tsutsuchakindrape.jpg?direct&300 |}} * Put the bowl down with the right hand, still holding the 茶巾. {{ ::tsutsuchakinpull.jpg?direct&300 |}} * Remove 茶巾, and fold it again on the palm of the left hand. {{ ::tsutsuchakinfold.jpg?direct&300 |}}