* Lots of [[http://www.columbia.edu/itc/ealac/V3613/taian/layout.html|pictures]] * 1.81m high, 床 1.21 wide (which is wider than the 畳 in front of it) * 躙口(にじりぐち)is slightly larger than in later rooms, possibly to accommodate for 秀吉(ひでよし) ’s armour; with 79 cm high and 72 cm wide. Still, being so small, the small room seems larger! * Rounded corners in the 床 (even the ceiling!), gives it a lot of depth * Woods and walls are darkened, giving a 詫び effect * Ceiling is slated, so the highest point is above where the guest sits. * Both the host's and guest's 畳 are of equal size: Later on, the host would come to use a shorter 畳 to show deference to the guest; but 利休's idea was one of equality. {{ ::taian.jpeg?direct&600 |}} ===History=== * Only tea room attributed to 利休, built possibly in 1582 in 山崎(やま ざき)castle; which was then moved after his death. In this move, some alterations were made. * The only document about it is by 山上宗二(やまのうえ そうじ), 利休's student, and there it includes a 坪ノ内 * It is also reconstructed, in a form possibly closer to the original, at Daitokuji; including the original 坪ノ内(つぼ の うち)