This 点前 was created after 雪, 月 and 花 were created. It is named for the //deutzia// flower, and is the easiest of the 茶箱. Because of that, it is also called the 平点前 of 茶箱. It was created by 玄々斎 (according to [[|nihonjinron]]), and later refined by 圓能斎. The former picked the name because of the poem: 「月花一度に見す ほうせんさいる卯木哉」(せつげつかいちどにみするうつぎかな)⸺ in the Deutzia tree, we can see 雪月花 all at once. Snow and flowers are obvious, because the Deutzia is a small little flower. The 月 is a bit more difficult to spot: While the flower is called 卯の花, the tree is called 卯木, pronounced うつぎ. ===点前=== * Quite similar to [[wakei|和敬]], but here it's 茶筅, お湯, 茶巾. In 和敬, you first sort 茶筅 and 茶巾, then お湯. * Uses a 古帛紗 to serve the tea * 茶杓 is cleaned during 拝見, otherwise normally after 茶碗 * If there is 拝見, the 振出 is returned with the box by the guest * Bow, come in, place tray in front of 瓶掛, go and fetch 建水. * Unpacking, part I: * Tray (with box) to the right (3 lines from the border away), box to the left, lid to the middle. * Refold 帛紗, clean tray in 3 strokes, and place it at 9 o'clock * 茶杓 at 6 o'clock (re-holding) * Sweets container and bow. The main guests then goes to fetch it. * Unpacking, part II: * 茶碗 (re-holding, 2 hands), 棗 (one hand), * 古帛紗 (directly, fold to the right), Box farther away, 建水 up (these three also move together during 拝見) * arrange clothes * Purifying: 棗 (place it down a bit to the left), 茶杓 * Close lid: 茶筅, water; 茶巾 (put down at 3 o'clock), 茶筅通し; 茶碗 * Sweets, tea (lid rests against the brim of the tray where the 茶杓 was; or just flat on the tray), hot water * 古帛紗 (onto left hand, right hand turns inwards, and then places it on the mat with the fold on the guest's left side, open), 茶碗 * 茶碗, 古帛紗 next to right knee (having closed the same way how it was opened, turning it in effect to how it was before), hot water and rinse * Bow (here the guest can asked for 拝見), 古帛紗 ==拝見あり== * 茶筅, 茶碗, leave 茶巾, insert 茶筅 * retire 建水, box, put 古帛紗 above box, put 茶碗 on it * take lid, shift to guest. Clean 棗, 茶杓, 帛紗 on tray; turn to get box (turns on the floor). Tray to L, 茶碗 on it (帛紗 also still on it). * The guest use a 古帛紗 to inspect the lid and the box. Put 棗 in middle, and 茶杓 to its L; and put 筅筒 on R side, 巾筒 on L. * To bring back, first guest will take 振出, and last guest box and lid. First guest puts 振出 to his far L so the last guest can put lid and box where they belong. * You ask about 棗, 茶杓, 筒s, 振出, 箱. Since some of the parts are in sets, it's best as the guest to say 「何々も 御同様で ございますね...」(pronounced ごどうよう) * take in lid, then box, then 振出 while facing 正面. * 茶筅, 茶巾, 棗 moved further away, 茶碗 goes on lid, 古帛紗, 棗, into box. 振出, 茶杓, 捌き, open lid, pack up everything. ==拝見なし== * Hot water, 茶筅 (over the knee while fetching its container, replace with L), 茶碗 (again, 茶巾 directly into container, again replacing it with L). * //In the meantime, the sweets container has returned//. Originally, you'd wait until it's come back to 「お仕舞いいたします」, but it comes across as a bit obnoxious. * 帛紗, 茶杓, ポムポム, 帛紗 back on tray and retire 建水, and get box closer. * 古帛紗, 棗, 茶碗, sweets container, scoop, open lid, 帛紗, lid and move. * Shift, remove 建水, fetch box. ===拝見=== * On the internet, I've seen a version with 帛紗, even opened completely for both 棗 and 茶杓, and one with 古帛紗. I prefer the latter; but my old notes say 帛紗, opened once half, and once fully. * In any case, the 振出 is very right of the guest, then they make a line with lid, box, 振出. However, the latter is not 拝見, and stays there. During 出会, the main guest makes the set complete again. ===Personal=== * The round tray and the items being placed at the four directions annoys me. * My wooden box is 21 ╳ 14 cm, so I'll probably want a tray that's around 35 ╳ 36.75 cm.