Inform the host that everyone has arrived
Distribute the お白湯
Gather cups, leave 待合 and close door with a sound
Bow like everyone when host and first guests greet.
Tidy up the 腰掛け待合, close door to the inner 路地; leaving the candle on the stepping stone (in front of the tea room)
Close the door of the 茶実 with a sound, inspect the scroll, then bring the candle to the 茶道口 (handle towards the door) before viewing the
Like everyone else, slide forward with your fan and thank the host for the invitation.
Initiate shifting away from the 炉中の拝見 after the 点炭 is laid.
Return the
香合 to the main guest, take the candle to the 茶道口.
Keep the 盃台 on the R side (inside)
Join rice container and lid. Lid waits between 盃台 and border, also inside.
Bring 飯器, container for grilled foods and sake vessel to the door; the 盃台 to the first guest. 焼物 waits inside, the rest outside; until the second 飯器 comes. Then this waits inside, and the rest outside.
Pour sake twice for the host, then turn the sake pitcher, so the host can take it
Put 湯斗 in front of 茶道口. For this, put the spoon (and chopsticks, if necessary), into the spout, and place the handle so that it's to the hosts left. The chopsticks, if the pickles are served on the lid, touch the body parts.
縁高 in 茶道口, and close the entrance with a sound
Leave candle on the rock, close door with a sound
Give 濃茶碗 with candle to first guest for
拝見, and for returning.
🧨 Normally, you bring the candle to the door; but here it is returned to the host!