
  • On 16 XI 24 I had to give a presentation for a group of 7. I had to be 濃茶 and 薄茶, we didn't have too much time, and I had forgot to pack a 茶入. Also, the place only has a 長板 with a 風炉 on it, but the presentation was already in November.
  • Because of that — and because I'm not one to shy away from fun variations — we had to do 包帛紗 重茶碗 続薄茶.
  • I could've done 二つ置き to relax things a little, but I didn't think of that.
  • In 濃茶 on the 長板, the lid is handled individually!
  • In winter, there's no cold water added
  • In 重茶碗, you only scoop for the first 茶碗


  • Setup: 長板, in front of the 水指 the in its 帛紗. To wrap, you put the 帛紗 with its outside on the floor, and make sure the わさ is in the lower right. Bottom, top, R over L; then L over R.
  • Enter with the stacked 茶碗, put them on the L with two hands. Move , then lift out the inner 茶碗, touching the outer one with L, re-holding, and put down inner 茶碗 with L.
  • Then its: 建水・火箸・蓋置・総礼・建水.
  • Move 茶碗 into middle with 3 hands, then in front of it. Open it, do 四方捌き, and clean it like a normal . 茶杓 (put down as you would during 薄茶)・茶筅・茶碗 closer・茶巾 (that setup didn't have a lacquered lid on the 水指).
  • Lid can be opened either with or without 帛紗, so now is the moment to either tuck it in, or use it to open the lid. If you use it, it lives behind the 建水 from now on. Then get the 柄杓, do かまえ (it's only in 真の行 where you omit it!), pour hot water. Put 柄杓 back.

In winter with , you'd かまえ after you've poured the hot water. Here it's a bit unusual because you're using a 風炉 in winter.

  • 茶筅通し, put 茶巾 again on the 水指 lid (after the 2nd 茶碗 this changes!; and in 風炉 proper this is also different) and scoop tea from the . When you do that, the 茶杓 points towards you and the position of the lid is like a . Normally, you'd scoop 3 times and then dump the rest, but because we have a 2nd 茶碗, we're just scooping. Because we're only scooping, there's also no need to wipe the rim of the .
  • Open the , then get 柄杓 and make tea. Serve it, and explain how many guests it's for.
  • After the first guest's first sip, inquire about the quality, then get the outer 茶碗.
  • Pour hot water, wipe it and after wiping, put the 茶巾 on the lid.
  • This time, when making tea, scoop 3 times, then dump the whole . Now you have a reason to wipe that rim. Make the tea and serve.
  • After the first sip, open 水指 and add cold water. If you used the 帛紗 to open the lid, now you tuck it in.
  • The first 茶碗 comes back, you bow with those who had drunk from it, and you rinse it.
  • Normally, you'd now add cold water, do 茶筅通し, clean the 茶杓 and put the first 茶碗 together with the 茶器 in front of the 水指. But we're doing 続き薄茶: So instead, pour hot water, dump, and announce 薄茶. Put 茶巾 and 茶筅 directly into first 茶碗. Now, in normal 続薄茶, you'd stand up directly with the 茶碗; but — and this is my conjecture — here I'd put it on the wall, and wait for the outer 茶碗 to return. Take it in, bow with those who drank from it, rinse it, and put it in front. Put the inner 茶碗 into it, move the whole stack to the wall (now with 2 hands), and leave with the 建水.
  • Come in again, leave with the 茶碗 stack. You could also carry in the sweets here, I guess; or even the 薄茶器 and 薄茶碗 and put them ready to be purified.
  • Then come in with the 建水 and the 2nd 茶碗. Purify the 薄茶器 (usally it's just two strokes), take out the 茶筅, and put the 茶巾 on the lid. 茶筅通し with one rise, and then make the first 薄茶.
  • Here, the 2nd guest should drink, but in the presentation setting, it doesn't matter so much, because you'd initiate the switch anyway. 茶杓 goes on open 水指, comes into the middle, 薄茶器 goes next to 茶筅 (with L), and 茶杓 onto it. Purify the (but it was used for 濃茶, so put the 帛紗 down, then the lid, purify the rim, close it, sort it and then tuck in the 帛紗). Since there's no 仕覆, that's it!
  • Continue to serve 薄茶, then finish: 茶筅通し・茶杓 (but 建水 stays)・茶碗.
  • Now, the 替え茶碗 should come back, you rinse it with hot water, then pull back 建水.
  • Cold water, 湯返し, かまえ and close lid. Put 柄杓 back, close 水指 lid. Here they should ask for 拝見, but in a presentation, what will they know. So move 蓋置, and put back 火箸.
  • If you omit 拝見 for the 道具 other than the , and leave away the 水次, leave with 建水 and 替え茶碗, then leave with 茶碗 and 薄茶器, come back with 建水, put it in front of you, put 蓋置 in it and put it back. Then fold 帛紗 and leave it on the 水指 lid.
  • Take the and bow at the entrance.
  • Take 茶杓, then 薄茶器