
- 御名 - 和菓子 - 懐石 - suitable 道具 and - Ullrich translated the almanac it seems, and added sketches (link)

- it's always around this time of the year when the earth travels through the perseids, and you can see a truckload of falling stars. In Japanese it's 流星, which can be read as ながれぼし, which is a bit childish, or りゅうせい, which is more poetic. - There is also 夏木立, a grove that gives a feeling of shadow, which Tomoko used in VIII 24.


  • anticipation for autumn: on 8 VIII, the season changes to 立秋. However, it's still summer hot, so you'd do morning or evening teas.
  • On the first, it's 八朔, where traditionally, tradesmen and 芸者 visit their elders and teachers and inquire about their health. For tea people, good idea to visit your teachers; and for them to make a bowl of tea (八朔釜)
  • The Almanac is a bit unclear about this, but I understood it like there is a training session from the 17.8 to 31.8 at 今日庵 where you play 100 rounds of 花月 from 0800 to 1500 just for training.
  • 花火. In Switzerland, these are not really traditional; the bon fires on the mountains are much more authentic.
  • cicadas (in Japan), so lots of bugs on 道具.


  • Ashes for are prepared: washed with 番茶, then laid out in the sun and repeated; then kept in a ceramic jar (or a 酒 barrel).
  • Using a small that boils quickly and requires a smaller fire makes sense; or also a closed 風炉 where you can't see the fire; or you could use one in the shape of 富士山 or wind-bells, use a 遠山 灰型 and use lots of フジ灰.
  • The Almanac says how it is still perfectly fine to use the water-related 道具 from July, but you could also start to move towards the first signs of autumn, such as first winds, first falling leaves (一葉) etc.
  • 洗茶巾, and big 水指, as well as buckets; again Bizen.
    • Burkus tells the story that 利休 liked to use a swallow 香合, which he placed on a bucket 水指, mirroring this idea that the swallow would normally sit there.
  • Glass is still fine to use.

  • Baskets are still a good idea (Mittwer), but also 釣船, wetted-through Bizen, Iga, Namban.

August 茶花, from Mittwer

🇬🇧 🇩🇪 📸 Notes
Meadow rue Wiesenraute
Burnet, Bloodwort Wiesenknopf
Loosestrife, waterwillow Wasserweiderich
Indigo id.
Rose of Sharon Straucheibisch the iconic 風炉 flower; cut in water or scorch; there's a Basho poem abot a horse eating it, so maybe it's fun to pair it with a ばれい 蓋置


  • Use glass for 向付, and maybe a basket for the rice.
  • Instead of 焼物, use a small pumpkin by filling it with minced chicken and steaming that (and then use the insides of the seeds for 橋洗!)
  • New potatoes for 八寸?
  • Sen wants 木槿:


  • 主菓子: Takenagashi sweets. Served chilled, these sweets of gelatin, sugar, and red-bean paste mixed and packed into green bamboo offer a cooling respite from the heat of the summer.

  • 干菓子: Omodaka (water plan-tain) sweets. Cakes of raw sugar are shaped to resemble the water plantain that blooms in sum-mer. LOWER LEFT: Kanzemizu sweets. Raw sugar pressed into the form of water ripples.



  • winds, waterfalls, rivers…

Phrase – 19 – Hobo seifu okosu – step by step, the pure breeze comes

Phrase – 20 – Seifu shuchiku ugokasu – the pure breeze moves the bamboo

Phrase – 21 – Seiryuu kandan nashi – the pure flow has no gaps or breaks

Phrase – 22 – Suijo seiseitaru midori – fresh and verdant green

Phrase – 23 – Denkaku bi ryou o shouzu – the hall gives birth to a faint coolness

Phrase – 24 – Sansui ni seion ari – the mountain waters have a pure sound

Phrase – 25 – Kumon no kaze onozukara suzushi – the breeze through the empty gate is cool

Phrase – 26 – Kumo osamatte sangaku aoshi – the cloud-gathering mountain tops are green

Phrase – 27- Haku un hou ohou ni okoru – the peaks give rise to white clouds

Phrase – 28 – Kumo yuyu mizu sensen – the clouds are majestic and the water babbles

Phrase – 29 – Taki shouka sanzen jyou – the water falls straight down 3,000 jo (1 jo = 10 feet)