ゆず is in season, and it's common on the winter solstice to take a ゆず bath.
ゆべし is also something to do this season
甘酒 in the beginning; with a 火鉢; 煎茶, then
炭 with filling the
釜 because afterwards will be 続き薄茶. 懐石 can include 湯葉 for
向付. Serve steamed sweets.
These here are a subset from issoan:
I like the following:
鶴飛千尺雪 (つるは とぶ せんじゃく の ゆき, the crane flies — a thousand feet of snow)
冬嶺孤松秀 (とう れい こしょう ひ いつ, on a winter hill, a lone pine stands still)
紅炉一点雪 (こう ろう いってん の ゆき, above the heart, a single snowflake), which I actually have 😻
松樹千年翠, which I got, too 😻
干菓子 by Sen: Yukiwa (snowflake) sweets. Sugar cakes pressed into the form of snowflakes. LOWER LEFT: Sasamusubi (bamboo-grass knot) sweets. Along mountain paths in the winter, bamboo grass can be seen beneath the snow. These sugar cakes are shaped and colored to resemble leaves of bamboo grass tied in knots.
✅ issoan
Left to check:
* 花 (here, Mittwer's book is great).
* 御名
* 和菓子
* 懐石
* suitable 道具 and 軸
* Mittwer's book for flowers
* Sen's book for お菓子 and flowers
* Almanac for 道具
* Tsuji's book for 懐石
* 72 seasons application