

Host carries (運ぶ(はこぶ)) in the implements. Here is a most excellent write up of the differences!


  • Pick up 水指 with the back, pull it ever so slightly towards you!
  • Point 柄杓 towards 蓋置, while shifting R fingers so they hold its end from above.
  • Cleaning 茶杓: Do it so it looks as if it didn't bend at the end.
  • When closing the lid at the beginning, men can opt to use the 帛紗(ふくさ)or not.
  • When drawing water, lean into it with your whole body.
  • When doing pom pom, make sure to hold the 帛紗 at the corner, so it can bounce well!
  • When discarding the hot water from the 茶碗(ちゃわん)after it has been returned, the host waits to allow the first guest to say おしまいにください. Still holding the 茶碗, he bows slightly with the right hand, sets down the 茶碗, and bows again, saying おしまいにいたします. The reason is so that the host can ask himself if anyone wants more tea in case the first guest forgets to ask. In that case, the host can pick up the 茶巾 rather than to set down the 茶碗 and continue to make tea (Ullrich 15 X 17).


  • When selecting a 茶杓, see how well it rests on the 茶入's lid.
  • When turning the 茶入 in its 仕覆, don't just do it with the hands. Rather, pick it up with the whole body, and turn it as you do.
  • Cleaning the 茶入: start very slowly, allowing to establish a connection, then become faster. 3 times.
  • After the second guest has taken the first sip, the dialogue about sweets and tea starts. Note variation when guests are eating sweets they have brought.

Guest 濃茶

  • 茶名, producer, then ask about the sweets.


  • When preparing 棗 for 拝見, put lid back on directly, not going via the inside. It looks pretentious.
