
Jinxuan Dongpian Mingjian 2013

  • Western (6 XII 19): light, slightly milky nose. Flaum, Samt; greenery. Cup very light but present, vanilla and Vanillegipfel, vanillated lemon. Long presence.
  • Blind Western (28 I 20): light, light greenery, but mostly light sugar cane. Fresh zucchini, and cooked yellow ones, too. Cup quite light, a bit vanillated, pleasant. I'd say it's a Dongpian, and I got it right. The vanilla-softness without the annoying biting greenery.

Jinxuan Lala Shan Taoyuan 2013

  • Western (6 XII 19): deeper, baked flower stalks. Warmed, redder Samt. Cup more baked, almost a bit apricot gummi, similarly present, but without DPs long-lasting freshness.
  • Blind Western (19 I 20): deep, slightly fruity, slightly chloridic. Some good broth. Sawdust and roast. Cup is chloridic, structured, steamlined, stern. Brickstone, croissant?
  • Blind Western (1 II 20): Nose a bit old, fermented, sharp. Also, roast carrots. As it chills, it becomes rounder, barn. Cup very dry, a woody fella. Not unpleasant, very precise and clear, but a bit thin. Slightly mineralic. Guessed it right, dry and stern.

Alishan Jinxuan 2018

  • Blind Western (1 II 20): green and vanillated nose. A little bit of acid, like fermented fruit vegetable bouillon. Quite grassy, too, yellowed grass. Yes, yellowed is a good descriptor. Yes, as it chills, even more yellow. Cup similar to the nose, yellow tea like, bamboo leaves. Green vanilla. White pepper. Hint of white balsamic vinegar (but no acidity). Got it right for the light greenery. Not a very interesting tea for me.
Tea Masters Alishan Jinxuan
  • Blind Western (27 I 20): very light, carrot stew and yellow grass. Cup's light and grassy. Possibly this then is the Tea Masters Alishan. However, it is not so bad; so it could also be a Dong Pian or even Anxi TGY. But it does have an annoying unfinished-ness. Guessed right.