


  • Named for the hot stone Zen monks place in their robes to ward off hunger pangs.
  • CNY's 懐石 developed from the 本膳料理(ほんぜん)(elaborate meal for high social strata) and 精進料理(しょうじん)(vegetarian Zen monks), because it was related to both.
    • CQ78 notes that most meal traditions around the world have the host and guest eat together, but in CNY, the host does the serving.

利休:Entertain with farmer's soup and seasoned shrimp; it suffices for the host to do the serving.

  • Jōō said: no more 一汁三菜(いち じゅう さん さい), one soup and three sides, even for a guest of honour. That means: one soup, some fresh ingredients in vinegar, something in a shallow dish, and something broiled.
    • And keep it simple, make with what you have:
    • 利休's son 道安(どうあん) invites him for tea in winter; he get's very excited as he see's someone in the snow covered vegetable garden, thinking it would be his son picking vegetables for the meal. But instead, his son serves him a rarity from far away; so he was disappointed. (CG56, 78)
    • In the Nampō Roku, it is even stated that the meal should be vegetarian.

  • 利休 adhered pretty much to 一汁三菜.
  • 織部(おりべ)after 利休's death wabified 懐石 even more, being more strict about 一汁三菜, forbidding also a second round of trays. However, other people after 利休 went back to a more impressive food serving during tea gatherings.

Random Notes

  • Miso soup: Cut a nice chunk of tofu, then on it arrange cooked carrot cut into flower shape and some other vegetables like daikon, shiitake and edamame. Fill in soup just to the border of the tofu platform.
  • Get the rice from the border of the pot, where it might be ever so slightly charred.


  • チドリのさかずき
  • After 焼物, the last guest has brought all the dishes to the door, and the 酒台 to the first guest
  • During 八寸, enter with 八寸 and sake pitcher; sit in front of first guest.
  • Serve everyone 酒 and 海物 in their 箸洗 lid, saying はいしゃくいたします (*apologies for taking your lid*)
  • Then go back to the first guest, who says, I think, お流れを and something about an additional cup; you say you ain't got none, so you steal the first guest's cup, which will then make the 千鳥 dance.
  • I guess you serve him 酒 again, putting the pitcher so that the second guest can pour. First guest drinks, cleans the cup from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock with a folded paper, places it on the 台 and turns it towards you.
  • I think, meanwhile, you start serving the 山物 to the first guest.
  • You take some 酒, clean the cup, and pass it to the second guests
  • During this, the main guest takes a paper, folds the top right corner, and serves you some of both
  • There was something about the last guest receiving the 酒 twice, but not so sure.
  • At the end, put the remaining 海 and 山物 in the middle, making room for the 台 and your own paper.


  • 亭主:蓋をはいしゃくいたします
  • 1客:どうぞ お流れ ちょうだいを oder お流れを
  • 亭主:べっぱい の お持ち出しを (I think it means: I don't have another lid, or can I borrow yours)
  • 2客:お流れを
  • 亭主:はいを しばらく はいしゃくを
  • 亭主:長々と ありがとう ございました
  • 1客:どうぞ 御のうはいを
  • 亭主:のうはい させて いただきます
  • 1客:どうぞ お湯を