

貴人 means nobleman, and here, it refers to 貴人点(きにんだて). According to Chanoyu Vocabulary:

Tea is made in a new tea bowl that is set on an unlacquered wooden stand called 貴人台(きにんだい). Sweets are served on a pedestalled tray called 高杯(たかつき) (with かいし paper folded noticeably), and when the tea is ready, the assistant for the host brings the bowl to the personage. When there are two 貴人 as guests, the assistant serves the first bowl to the first 貴人, then brings a second bowl from the preparation room. After the host makes tea in the second bowl, the assistant brings it to the second 貴人. It is a rule to serve tea in an independent bowl in both the case of 濃茶(こいちゃ)and 薄茶(うすちゃ).

It is the first of the 小習い, and while it is against the spirit of 利休茶, it is useful to learn the importance of consideration for the guest (CQ57).

Most important differences

  • Theoretically, 茶碗, 台 and all bamboo 道具 are new.
  •  茶碗 on the 台
  • The 点前 is directed towards the outer corner of the black band that lines the , and consequentially, the 柄杓(ひしゃく)is also aligned with the outer corner; as well as the 台 when cleaning . For all the other 小習い (what about かざり?), the inner corner is indicative. I think for しかでん and 七事式(しちじしき) it's the outer.
  • All bows, if possible, are 真(しん)(says CJ)
  • We always did all of them with , but I'm not sure it needs to be that way. CQ28 sais it is usually done in a large room, and , 長いた and だいす is usually used.
  • It always closes 本仕舞い(ほん じ まい)

Handling the 茶椀台

  • Always touch first with R, then L (but can come quite naturally); and let go in reverse.
  • If there's not enough room to hold from the side, hold at 3 or 9, respectively, and 6; then shift to 3 and 9 while lifting up or putting down fluidly.
  • Don't hold at the rim (since it might break off), but well within the inside of the plate.
  • When walking, hold 茶椀 with four fingers (for 台天目, it's three)
  • Wide grain indicates front side.
  • When taking 茶椀 from the 台 (or returning it), it is always assisted with a straight hand. (However, it is not assisted when discarding water into 建水.


  • Sweets are served on a special stand, on paper folded slightly. In the picture below, the paper is folded the wrong way, signifying sweets for a dead person! (Ulrich IV 19)



  • Nojiri on 2 VII 21 said that sweets are brought in by host, even when there's two 貴人 (as is more frequently the case these days since women are equal now), or when there's a 貴人 and his servant.

黄人 薄茶

  • Maybe using the black 利休棗 isn't particularly suitable for this 点前.
  • 半東 brings everything to host, bowing everytime
  • 茶杓 on 帛紗 during 拝見.
  • CJ and I are unsure about sweets: We assume that you open the door with the sweets, bow, carry them to the 貴人, leave, bow, close the door.
    • When shifting back from the 貴人 (after sweets or bringing tea), shift back alot!
  • The rest below is from CQ57.
  • Open door, bow with 茶椀 on 茶椀台 , pick up 茶椀台, then stabilize and walk. Place down, shifting L to 6 of the 茶椀台. Get from .
  • Go fetch 建水(けんすい), closing the door.
  • When 柄杓 is put on 蓋置き, 半東(はんとう)opens the door, bows, slides in, turns by 180°, closes the door, pivots again, directed at the 貴人, and places the hands on the floor. (Make sure to keep wrists straight here.)
  • Put 台 at 45°, in line with the outer frame. The rim can protrude over the 's black border, leaving lots of space for the .
  • Continue as usual, placing 茶筅 into 茶椀 (assist with L), then moving the whole 台 towards you. When performing 茶筅とおし, L stabilizes the 茶椀 from the top.
  • Open 水指(みずさし)R then L (it's , so only two hands as always).
  • When tea is prepared, pick up 台, then shift so body is aligned with right outside lining of frame while carrying 台. Then put R at 12, L at 6 (in distinct two steps; in the air), turn, and turn again; and put down (shifting L). Shift back, rest hands on 畳(たたみ).
  • 半東 stands up, sits down at about 30° from 茶椀 as not to intrude too much into the 貴人's space, turns with 台 in the air, but turns it on the . Put's it in front of the guest, slides back, bows, and returns.
  • Bow when guest sais お点前ちょだい, then hands back on the . When he's taken the first sip, pick up 帛紗(ふくさ)with L if it was used to close 釜ぶた.
  • 半東 stands up, sits in front of 貴人, bows, picks up 茶椀, and returns it.
  • Clean, and after closing 水指 lid, guest will ask to see the 道具; bow.
  • After cleaning for 拝見, take 帛紗 on L, shift towards , pick up 茶杓 and put it on 帛紗, securing it with the thumb. Place down, turn again to face . 半東 places 道具 in front of 貴人, shifts back and bows, then sits in the beside the ふみこみ畳 so the host can exit.
  • Guest takes 道具 inside his , separating 茶杓 and 帛紗; only looks at the 道具 when host has taken 建水 and 台, and replenished 水指. The host leaves the door open for these steps, and closes door after replenishing, keeping the 水つぎ in front of him when closing it.

  • 半東 returns 道具 (帛紗 and 茶杓 remain separate), the host converses, then takes 帛紗 back, take and 茶杓 and shifts towards . Put 茶杓 on 水指, on , then take 茶杓 again (R, L just below node, then R again in the middle).
  • Leave, bow, close door.

 貴人清次(きにん きよつぐ)

For 薄茶, it's 茶巾-茶巾, 茶筅-茶筅. Also, bow with the 貴人碗 at the door when leaving and entering. Finally, there's 2 times おしまい, once for the 貴人, and once for the servant.

This is a 点前 for serving a nobleman and his attendants. The point is to make a distinction between the nobleman and his attendants, so a separate tea bowl, whisk, 茶巾, sweet container, smoking set etc. are used.

  • This is the only 点前 where we get to use a smoked bamboo 茶筅 called 煤竹(すすだけ)
  • It's always performed with
  • Placement of 茶筅 like in 和巾

There are some cues when what needs to happen:

  • 2nd guest has taken the 1st sip: 「お茶銘は。。。」
  • when the 帛紗 is picked up and / or the 茶巾 is being refolded: 「ご準備を。。。」
  • when the 帛紗 makes the 表千家 sound: ask for 拝見
  • when サラサラ, 拝見 begins / return the 2nd bowl
  • for the 2nd bowl: おさきに

Handling the 千鳥板(ちどりいた)

  • Used only in
  • Invented by Gengensai, so maybe he's a good one here for 茶杓's maker.
  • If it has a 花押(かおう), the side the 花押 is on is upside (and closer to the body when carried in the 着物); if it has another design, it's the other way round.

 貴人濃茶(きにん こいちゃ)

  • I think 無事(ぶじ)is a good 御名, since it references the 禅語 「無事是黄人」.
  • If there are multiple guests, they get their sweets individually, and each of them gets their own bowl of 濃茶.
  • decorated with , 茶入 in front of it. Could it also be placed on top?
  • Still unsure as to how the sweets are brought to the guest, and when to bow. For me, it makes most sense if door is opened by 半東, bows, sweets are carried and placed in front of guest (with a lot of distance); then goes back to 茶道口, and bows.

 貴人清次濃茶(きにん こいちゃ)

  • This one is a lot of fun, because it is quite convoluted but also logical.
  • We still don't know who brings the sweets
  • Come in as usual with just 建水, then prepare tea as it happens. Then, I think after 黄人濃茶 is ready, leave with the 建水, empty it and come in again (use a different one this time?) carrying the 清次's 茶碗. Formal bow again (?), then prepare second 濃茶.