

  • Full width that are not a 台子.
  • 紹鴎(じょうおう), cypress with しゅんけいぬり and a bottom cabinet. Used in with a 水指 made of copper. You display writing brush set on top, a 炭斗 or a flower. CQ51 sketches how to use it.
  • 志野(しの), created by 利休 based on an incense cabinet owned by a guy named 志野. Plain paulownia; mostly similar to 紹鴎's.
  • よし, which means reed. This is quite interesting, as it allows you to transform a room into a だいめ. Can be used in and 風炉. (Not the same as よしの, which is smaller).

  • 寒雲棚(かんうん), which is a 運び棚 made by Gengensai. Quite an ugly fucker. Similar to this is the えんゆ, also one of his additions, equally ugly.
  • 山里(やまざと), made by 利休, cedar. Given to やぼのうち school, and associated with it. Only used with ; special because it can be used with unglazed 水指, which otherwise you could not use in a large room. In this case, the bottom board is moistened, as well as the 水指.