
且座之式(しゃざ の しき)

Named after the Zen expression 且坐喫茶 (しゃや きっさ)(“Have a seat and drink tea”).

Roles are decided by 札(ふだ)or agreed upon. The roles don't change during the exercise:

  • 月(がつ)is the first host and prepares 濃茶(こいちゃ)
  • 花(はな)is 半東(はんとう)and prepares 薄茶(うすちゃ)for the host
  • first guest prepares the incense
  • second guest arranges the flowers
  • third guest lays the charcoal

After the roles are decided, host and 半東(はんとう)put on the 帛紗(ふくさ). The third guest uses the 帛紗 of the 半東 to lay the coal, the other two guests don't need one. Note that none of the guests need to leave the room or see the 水屋, everything is brought to them by the 半東.


The exercise takes place in an 8 mat room. The following needs to be prepared:

  • In the 床の間, the scroll is hung and a flower vase placed on a board underneath it (or hung). The vase is filled 80 %. In CQ85 it is placed slightly to the left of the scroll, Christine placed it directly underneath.


Chosing the Roles

* Take container with right (sideways), open with left, take token with right, and place down with left

Procedure (Part 0)

  • Sweets are eaten before entering
  • First guest with おさきに; then the other guests
  • Then host enters and bows

Procedure (Part 1)

  • 花台 slightly wet, 水次 points to 12 o'clock, 茶巾 to 6 o'clock, knife inwards
  • Pick up 水

shaza.jpg shaza_2.jpg shaza_1.jpg

Procedure (Part 2)

Everything has been prepared for the first guest to prepare the incense.

Host 半東 first guest second guest third guest
in his spot in 茶道口 in his spot, incense tray before him in his spot in his spot
asks first guest to prepare the incense ( bow) also bows
