
  • 茶筅 goes into 茶碗 before the box shifts back
  • 薄茶器 and 茶杓 are unpacked together.
  • Of the two 古帛紗 that remain right of the 点前 古帛紗, the bottom one is for the second 茶碗. So when you unpack the 茶碗, first separate the two 古帛紗, so you can put the bottom 茶碗 on the bottom 古帛紗.
  • With 拝見: 茶巾箱 is closed when 茶筅 is put into 茶碗 stack, and moved onto the 御所籠's lid. It is then transported individually onto the 薄茶器 古帛紗 (so you can close the lid and then sort the box).
  • When packing. For 茶筅 and 茶巾, first take them, then their container. For the rest, first take the container.
  • When packing up the 茶巾箱, put the top part where it used to go, plain on the floor (with Miya 23 we put it on the lid, which I also liked).


Uses the 御所籠(ごしょがこ), which was created by Ennōsai (XIII). After his death, Tantansai (XIV) created the 点前. Name because there are four 古帛紗(こぶくさ)used, which look like 色紙(しきし)(poetry cards) scattered around. Most complicated 茶箱点前, around the level of 四ヶ伝(しかでん). Since this is a courtly 点前, according to chanoyu.world it is good to use not a 侘び(わび)瓶掛け(びんかけ), but a 銀瓶(ぎんびん)as 鉄瓶(てつびん).


  • Bring in basket, then 建水. Open basket cords (both hands pull, then come back to knot to loosen it while holding the ends in the palms), move knot to front of basket, pull it tight and knot again. Move basket straight to the left.
  • Unpack onto lid: silk cloth (R), scoop (3 hands to turn), 茶巾 holder (''), then 古帛紗 stack, putting first and second one in the right place and opening them.
  • 振り出し time (like ながお), and put net back with L (as well as all the other cloth items). Bow!
  • Take out 茶碗 stack, take out (point the threads up before putting in the basket), then 茶杓, then 茶巾箱. Spread 古帛紗 3 and 4, then spread 茶碗 (small one ends up in the middle), put away protective cloth. 茶筅筒 with L, close lid and move basket towards 風呂 and follow up with 建水. Tidy clothes.
  • Take 帛紗 (always with L when it's on the basket lid), , scoop (put back with 3 hands), lid and pour. Put silk cloth onto basket.
  • Open 茶巾箱, put lid back, turn bottom part by 90° CW, fold 茶巾 and place in it. Clean brush, make tea. Put out 古帛紗 3 and 茶碗 on it.
  • Take second bowl, make more tea. Serve it on 古帛紗 4.
  • After this, first tea should be back, place 古帛紗 next to knee while rinsing it. After おしまい, take in 古帛紗 and clean bowl. Move it onto its 古帛紗.

👉 When the last guest gets their bowl, they return the 振出 to the first guest. It's up to them, if there are only two guests, if they also want to return the first guest's bowl to the host, or leave them to do it. Both are fine (Miya 24).

  • In between, the 振り出し can come back, you now put it next to your knee (if without 拝見).
  • Take second bowl, its cloth directly back to its original place. Clean it.
  • If 拝見, things would change here, but otherwise:
  • Clean scoop, picking up the 帛紗 slightly differently so it turns towards you as you pick it up.
  • Get the basket back, open it; stash away brush, close 茶巾箱, stack bowls, wrap 茶巾箱 (onto lid), scoop (onto lid) and , then bowls, then 振り出し.
  • Take in 古帛紗, put scoop and box into basket, open lid and refold 帛紗. Basket into center, reknot, leave with 建水, then with basket.
  • Apparently, you can also do 拝見 with it! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBOIVSTb0pI)
    • Put 茶巾箱 onto lid for transport.
    • It stays there for 拝見, so you can 拝見 the 薄茶器 in peace. With Miya 23, we used a 古帛紗 for it; but in the video, they use a 帛紗. I prefer the latter, as there are enough 古帛紗 in this 点前.
    • The Q&A: 薄茶器 (and then say all the other items, if they are the same), 茶杓の形, 茶巾箱; 古帛紗, 仕覆, 箱


  • When doing it in St. Ottilien online seminar with 拝見 under Hiromi-sensei
  • Can open 古帛紗 with two hands if it's too hard
  • The 茶巾箱's lower part is turned 90° to the left on the hand before it's set down
  • My is a kappa-style shape (河太郎, かわたろう), the 茶杓 is いもがしら
  • 拝見 request with おしまい
    • Put 茶碗 stack in waiting position
    • Take 茶杓 with hand, turn together with 古帛紗 to 45°, then clean everything and turn the whole set
    • Put basket next to it, and 茶巾箱 on its top left corner for two thirds
    • During 拝見, the basket never goes on the inside of the guest's mat, but stays centered outside.
    • Put the items on your 帛紗, keeping the order
    • Two 茶碗古帛紗 stay there during 拝見
    • Tuck the 帛紗 in さばき fold and folded again into 着物
  • My 茶杓's shape is called Imogashira according to Hiromi-sensei

More Notes

  • When putting out the 振出し, you could say 「お菓子をどうぞ」 (Miya 23). It's not in the books, but I think it's a nice touch.
  • When drinking yourself: Turn 45°, take 茶碗 in, say 「しょばんいたします」(not ご!), take stack, turn 茶碗 a bit. Turn 茶碗 a bit more, face 0°, put 茶碗 down. Now the 古帛紗 is still the wrong way, so when you put it to your R, you grasp it with the R thumb facing you on its L side, and put it down with the thumb closer to you than the fingers.


  • My stuff (and probably most GSKs) are ためぬり
  • The 道具 that come usually with the GSK are shit:
    • For the 茶碗 I found a good replacement
    • For the 振出, I have the heavy 織部 one; but it doesn't quite suit the courtly atmosphere
    • The 茶器 is so wobbly. To find the 龍頭 is difficult, but maybe something else would be alright?
    • The 茶巾箱 is also flimsy; and this should be quite simple to replace.
    • However, it needs its own 袋. This, however, can't be very hard.
    • The separator I'd like to have remade
    • The 大津袋, too