
Not Striving

Essay on Not Striving from CQ35

  • 利休 said: Having 寂(さび) is good, striving for it isn't
  • Third Chinese Zen patriach 鑑智僧璨 (そうさん) (-606) said: Attaining the Way is without difficulty. Simply avoid picking and chosing.
  • Likewise, 道元(どうげん) (1200-1253) said: Loving the flowers, they wither; hating the weeds, they flourish.
  • Story of the man asking a priest how to be happy: Always be grateful and live one day at a time. The man however first fixed too much on being grateful, then the priest told him to be more natural. The man then focused on being more natural, still not being happy.

➡️ Don't think in good and bad, just accept the world as is
➡️ This is also the meaning of 日日是好日
➡️ is a lifestyle, not a conscious effort