
  • Sōshitsu's mom: borders represent boundaries, and such things are the wellspring of courtesy and deference. (CQ76?)
  • Made from Juncus effusus (Candle rush), over rice-straw bases. They have fine capillaries, which is why cool in summer and warm in winter.
  • Transplanted in November / December, harvested in July. Dipped in clay and water solution to seal in fragrance and colour; then sun-dried for 2 days, then weaved.
  • Base made from rice-straw dried for more than a year; 40 cm of rice straw beaten until it's 5 cm. One base weights about 40 kg.
  • There are auspicious arrangements and inauspicious (if there are lots of + junctions, used for funerals)
  • Standard tea room: 四畳半(よ じょう はん), 4.5 . If larger, it's called 広間(ひろま), if smaller, 小間(こま). The 四畳半 can be either.
    • 村田珠光(しゅこう)(1423-1502) created the 真(しん)
    • Jōō (1502-55) the 行(ぎょう)
    • 利休 (1522-01) the 草(そう)
Japanese English
床畳(とこ) mat in the 床
貴人畳(きにん) in front of 床, for the guest of honour
客畳(きゃく) guests
踏込み畳(ふみこみ) in front of host's entrance
点前畳 / 道具畳 tea preparation
通い畳(かよい) cross-through mat

  • Kantō (東京): 176 x 88 x 6 cm
  • Kansai(京都): 191 x 95.5 x 5.5 cm; most 道具 will be designed for this size!
  • 67 目(め), one is usually 14 mm
  • 無地縁(むじ)(single colour) and 紋縁(もん)(figured)
  • For tea room, dark blue 無地縁 is used; and a figured one in the 床
    • unless the room is a 小間, then for the 床 also a 無地縁 is used!
  • Thickness half the thickness of