A simpler version combining 卯の花 and 雪. 淡々斎 created it, aiming to create a simple 点前, and 鵬雲斎 performed it on an air carrier in WWII for the 神風 pilots (see It's documented, among others, in CQ37 和敬 .
For me, it is probably the most rustic of all the 茶箱; but it has some details that make it a bit more elegant than 卯の花.
Uses two stacked
茶碗, which are sorted without
古帛紗 (unlike
Before the first お湯,
茶筅 and 茶巾 are sorted (again, unlike
Usually done with a paulownia box. (Since the lid is turned, it makes sense not to use a box with 蒔絵, which would end up facing the wrong way. It would be funny to have
this illusion on the lid; but it would also take away quite some gravitas.)
Uses the
和敬 板, which is normally a wooden board the size of the box.
Focal points, I think, are the first purifying of the lid; scooping of the tea and the return of the 振出. Since there's no 拝見, it's quite a quick affair; and I presume the guests would ask about the 道具 when their being purified or stowed away.
Enter & Bow
Entering finishes with a bow after the 振出 is out; for this the 茶杓 needs to get out first, but nothing else
Bow with box at 茶道口, then carry in box, then
Move box to the side, get 和敬板 (slide fingers up the box, grasp it, and only then pick it up), then lid (rotate it in front of you). First 捌き (dramatic!), clean lid with 3 strokes (First one slow, then the other two fast). Get out
茶杓 (R, L, R)
Get out
振出 (re-holding it in the middle), then
First guest gets the
振出 and places it outside
Tidy & Purify
First part finishes with the 建水 being moved, 茶筅 and 茶巾 remain in their respective 筒; second part finishes before the actual tea is made
Get out
茶碗 stack with two hands, place it on the
板 (
I need to see if I prefer to re-hold or to put it down directly). Get out
棗, then
古帛紗 (first pull it out a little, then completely).
Move stack with two hands to
古帛紗, then get inner
茶碗 with 2 hands, put it down with R
Move box up (to be in line with
風炉 board), then
Like in all
茶箱, the 筒 are handled with L.
棗 and
茶杓; open lid of
茶筅 into
茶碗, as the 筒 is placed back into the box straight away the 茶巾筒 is fetched; then
茶巾 on lid (ears to left)
Hot water,
茶巾 folding (
to give time for the 茶筅 to relax), 茶筅通 (hold
茶碗 from above)
Tea Time!
When the 振出 is back, tea time finishes
First 茶 (hold
茶碗 from above)
After first sip: Second
茶碗 L, R onto
The second guest returns the first
茶碗 as they get their
茶碗, if possible
Rinse of the first
茶碗, 「お仕舞いください」, and bow; then the
振出 is returned, you say 「お仕舞いにいたします」;
振出 is taken next to the left knee.
Ciao miao
Lift first
茶碗 with L, then with both hands into second,
古帛紗 (make a little dent with the hand),
棗; lift stack up with both hands and put into
振り出し (with 1 hand)
Pick up
茶杓 with R, then hold below R with L and put into box with R. Open
鉄瓶 lid, then last さばき(drama!) and put
帛紗 into box.
Get lid and turn counter-clockwise (so first L goes to far-left corner), then
板. Place box in middle, turn and take
建水, then box.
What I'd Change
I never understood
古帛紗 being used on what could be the outdoor floor, and then not for the guests'
茶碗; so I'd change it to be a second board.
Then you'd come in, put the box on the side, get the lid with the two boards on it, and without turning put it on the right side; then take both boards, but them to the left, and finally take the top board and put it in the middle.
You could skip the turning of the lid; or, if the lid is still turned, make it so that the grain runs horizontally. Then, after it's turned, all the boards have the grain in the same direction.