I presume all the items are packed in 仕覆(しふき)to convey a sense of warmth.
Pick up
茶碗 in its
仕覆 like a 天目.
I think it would be really nice to hang the
仕覆 on a tree or something if you really did the
点前 outside.
For 懐石, the vibe is elegant
道具, humble food; so maybe the same applies here?
Since you turn the lid, boxes with paintings are difficult; maybe some clouds pattern? I also like the style where the box is plain wood, and the corners are shaved off and lacquered.
The books use a black lacquered box, and a light blue
仕覆 which seems suitable
I'm doing this
点前 in January, so maybe bright red 茶器 might be suitable, like the 丸棗 or the
曙? Maybe in a net basket instead of a
Generally, 干し柿 I would find nice, maybe on a 筒茶碗?
I got a
仕覆 with ducks on it, which I like a lot
I really hate that hole for the
茶筅 in the inset, and I've seen
茶箱 that just do away with the entire corner to make room for it.
A plum wood
茶杓 would be lovely, or with plum 蒔絵. Then the
仕覆 might be something with plum flowers.
For the 茶巾筒, maybe some red-white painting with bamboo or pine covered in snow?
振出し could even be glass, go give an icicle feeling ⸺ but I also want to give them warmth, so maybe
備前 is better suited.
And for the
古帛紗, maybe just find a nice 雪月花,
唐松 or just the trirune (maybe 和久田)? There is also a cute 雪兎 one, if I want to be more playful.