1. The informal room is where true 茶の湯 happens, not the formal room. This style of tea is rooted in the 台子, but abbreviated and abstracted from it. There's enough if there's a roof that doesn't leak, and food so you're not hungry; all beyond that is worldly.
2. The first act is to add water to the stone basin in front of the guests, while they sit on the waiting bench. Like this host and guest wash away the worldly dust. It's no good if the guest don't know who has added the water to the basin. Also, the basin should be so small that it overflows with water from one bucket.
3. 利休 learned tea under 道陳(どうちん)all matters of the formal tea, and then under 紹鴎(じょうおう)he invented the small tea room.
4. Host and guest should not try to be in accord, but it's good when it happens.
5. Three Waterings of the 露地: before the guests arrive, for 中立 and before they leave. This must take into consideration that during different times of day and year, the water will dry at different times, and it should always be damp, not wet, not dry.
6. It is preferable to wear geta, but hardly anyone can do it; so let them wear easier shoes.
7. Use one flower for the small room, and two for the big one.
8. A list of flowers that shouldn't be used.
9. White flowers are okay at the night gathering.
10. In summer, impart a sense of coolness; in winter a feeling of warmth.
11. Every dawn (when the birds start chirping), lay new coal, then go and get water, wash the 釜 and set it on the fire.
12. Always use water drawn at 0400.
13. Place a lantern out for night and dawn gatherings, at the waiting bench, or greet the guests at the gate with one.
14. Melt snow from stepping stones in winter. If the 蹲(つくばい)looks nice with some snow, instead provide a 片口(かたくち)pitcher, which one guest will use to pour over the other guests hands, and vice-versa.
15. No lanterns for snow gatherings.
16. How to put a board in the different room sizes.
17. In the small room, utensils should be less than adequate, and it's okay to used repaired items.
18. If you got a really nice scroll, built your 床 to suit it.
19. Scrolls are best. Best are the ones by Zen monks. Poets second.
20. Meal in the small room should be 1 soup and two or three vegetables.
21. Dining stand may be used in the large room.
22. Storage jar may be displayed
23. If the guests really want to see something, let them.
24. In 風呂, guests look at the coal after the gathering
25. 鶴瓶(つるべ)is put down once and not moved during the gathering.
26. Orientation of buckets.
27. Special gatherings = special 道具
28. Bamboo, gourd or basket for small room as flower container, bronze maybe.
29. 道具 face host when doing 点前, not the guest
30. Large 茶入: pull cover down; small 茶入: pull it up
31. Outdoor gatherings only when you're very good
32. Good outdoor spots: Clean, not too distracting.
33. Famous 詫び poem.