

  • Ablauf:
    • When guests first arrive, there are only 3 下火(したび)in either 風呂 or 炉.Except in 跡見茶事(あとみ), where the guests arrive after the main 茶事. Will there be a second 後炭 then?
    • In , first comes 初炭 and then 懐石(かいせき)
    • In 風呂, it's first 懐石(かいせき)and then 初炭, and then sweets for 濃茶. Then, 中立(なかだち), where guests leave the room; then 濃茶. 後炭 is usually omitted in summer, but if it is done, it follows now, and then 煙草盆(タバコぼん)、干菓子(ひがし)and then 薄茶 (CQ44)
  • There is some difference for 初炭(しょずみ)if it's for 稽古(けいこ)or for 茶会(ちゃかい), which we practised at Ullrich's seminar in June 2017. It was something about leaving the lid open or closed, and not cleaning it with the feather. Rather, leave the room for 拝見(はいけん), and when you come back, you clean the 風炉(ふろ)and the lid with your 帛紗(ふくさ).
  • Preparation
    • Both in 風呂 and , the coals is in the basket with the broader side, the side closer to the trunk of the tree, on the bottom.

炭 general

  • When there's actual dirt when cleaning with the feather, clean the dirt first, then perform the ritual cleaning.

初炭 General

  • お炭を(あけ)させて いただきます
  • 羽、かん、火箸、香合 for both 風呂 and
    • Unless, of course, you're doing 長板, where the 火箸 are in the 灼立て.
  • close lid (with or without 帛紗(ふくさ)), 鐶(かん)on , 紙釜敷(かみかましき), move (also for both)
  • Handling of the 紙釜敷(かみかましき)
    • When packing the 紙釜敷 there are several ways to remember it:
      • For me, I think it's about the side which the will sit on being farther away, both for and 風炉, from the tummy.
      • Hiromi 23: The わさ points towards the when it's still on the fire, and the broken side points into the direction where it will go at first
      • Ulrich 17: put the broken side in the 着物 so that it faces in the direction in which you will move the when putting it back on the fire. That means, for example, that in 中置 it'll have the same direction and facing as in
    • When collecting the 紙釜敷 after 風炉 was on it, the warm side is farther away from the body in the 着物 (Ullrich 14 X 17)
    • If the doesn't move while on the paper, go down with the かん on the side that needs help, and push the paper with three fingers, still holding the かん (みねこ先生 on 21 VIII 19)

初炭 風炉

⚠️ There are 2 positions for the , middle of or left of it. For 運, it's the latter, otherwise the former. This informs the 香合 position for 拝見.

  • greeting: 炭斗(すみとり)by the side, bow, “お炭を あけさせて いただきます”
  • bring in 炭斗. Put it in front of 棚 or 水差し on 長板; or next to the 風呂 when doing 運ぶ.
  • bring in 灰器(はいき). Notice how it is held, up to 26 IX 19 we were holding it differently; but like this is more natural.

  • unpacking:

  • close lid (with or without 帛紗(ふくさ)), 鐶(かん)on , 紙釜敷(かみかましき), move .
    • Remember the three fingers if it won't slide on the 紙釜敷(かみかましき)
  • first feather

  • replace 下炭(したすみ), lay coals. When placing 胴炭(どうずみ), use two hands (so that they meet at the coal), retreat L as soon as the 胴炭 is in position.

  • second feather

  • moon

  • third feather

  • 香, prepare 香合(こうごう)for 拝見(はいけん)
  • return , pat 紙釜敷(かみかましき), and slide backwards
  • clean lid (ア)
  • 建水まわり and leave with 灰器(はいき)
  • take out 炭斗 |||

初炭 炉

  • Preparation (a halfed long one and a chubby one more than in 風呂)

  • 炭斗(すみ とり)in door, 「炭を させて いただきます」, bow and let's go!
  • Leaving door open, carry in 炭斗: One step into 点前畳(たたみ), then left and right to the wall so you can place 炭斗 next to the . Then bring the ash container, close the door. 3 steps into 点前畳, then 4th and 5th go into the corner where normally the ふたおき sits. Put down container, then turn towards .
  • 羽、かん、火箸、香合 (Both かん and 香合 sit next to each other behind 炭斗.) (Order changes if it's with and the 羽 and 香合 are on it!)
  • Close lid (without 帛紗), put on かん, take out 釜式(かましき), move closer (right, left), take out , turn towards it, slide it to 90° position. かん behind . (With a 棚, move it to the left of the 棚 at -45°)
  • Cleaning the 炉口: three swipes right side, third swipe leads over to guest side, down to right side, then 3 swipes with back of the 羽 on the host's side. Then inside: guests' side left to right, right side; then left side towards host and host's side. 羽 diagonally behind 炭斗.
  • Move starter coal, place 火箸 into 炭斗.
  • Place 炭斗 out of the way for ash container. Turn 45° towards it, pick it up, turn back and put down with two hands. 12 to 9, 9 to 6, 12 to 3, then take ash, put down the spoon, hold like 柄杓(ひしゃく), and put ash 3 to 6 holding your hand like karate koken. Put down scoop, rehold, scoop new ash and pour from 6 to 3. Tidy up ash, pick up container, turn and put it down.

  • Clean with 羽 as before, plus clean the tripod: Farthest away, then closer to you with back of feather, then right one with front side again. Take 炭斗 closer.
  • Take 火箸, then take fat coal with bare hands; add little coals, then long ones, then 枝炭, then little one.
  • Clean, 香 (lid goes where the 鐶 where), put back and ポック and 鐶. Move back, then ア with 羽 and open lid.

炭 棚 in general

  • 羽 lies with its border on the diagonal of the 棚, the 香合 in front.

初炭 風呂 棚

  • Place 炭斗 in front of 棚 (feather and 香合 are on 棚)
  • Take out 羽, place it diagonally in front of 炭斗 so its middle is aligned with middle of 棚
  • Are the 火箸 and 感(かん)left in the 炭斗?
  • Then 香合, as usual

初炭 盆香合

  • Carry in 香合 on a tray (basically a 香合 飾り )
  • This is the only 炭点前 where the incense is taken with the hands (presumably as not to scratch the 香合), for all the others, we use the 火箸(火ばし).


  • Done at long tea gatherings like the after-noon meetings; after 濃茶
  • Omitted for after-meal, morning or late-evening meetings; not common in summer.
  • Preparation
    • Make sure the pieces of charcoal have enough space on the sides so that they can be moved to stand.
    • The 組み釜敷き(くみかましき)needs to glide well over the . It was Jōō who first used it.
    • C prepares a little bowl of water to make the 茶巾 very wet when getting the 水次(みずつぎ), I would just dip it into the 水次 directly.
後炭 風呂
  • The ふじばい should be a little mount; to make the spoon sit better, compress the lower part of it, then add some more on top to make it look natural.
  • Bow with 炭斗. 「火を なおさせて いただきます」(I'll fix the fire.) Walk straight until you reach 点前畳, then in front of spot where 炭斗 comes to stand. Leave door open, since it is 風呂.
  • Come in again with 灰器(はいき), sit diagonally and put it down. Shift in front of .
  • Feather, 香合, lid (bare hands), 鐶(かん)、組み釜敷き(くみかましき)(R to L, L turns towards 炭斗, R puts down in front of 炭斗). Slide forward, take , lean 鐶, shift to 45°, move to the middle of 道具畳 at 90°. 鐶 next to it. Shift back to 風呂.
  • First brushing (4 strokes), feather diagonally.
    • When picking up the feather and setting it, treat it as if it was very heavy!
  • Take 火箸, then tidy up old coals. Ullrich took them all apart, and then make a new tipi. Also, break the 胴炭(どうずみ) in the front in two, to make space for the 輪胴(わどう). Take 輪胴 with two hands (I always find this annoying, I'd rather do it with one hand; but possibly it's showy.), then round one, halfed one above.
    • Take 枝炭(えだずみ)from the front, and place two of them on the long one. Then take all three, and place them at 2 o'clock.
    • C taught this differently, she had me first place the long one, then put down the 枝炭 in the 炭斗 where the long one was, retake them and put them down in the 風呂.
    • Then, the little one at 5 o'clock.
  • Second brushing (3 strokes), unless it's made from iron.
  • Pick up 灰器(はいき), make sure to use your body! Pick up 灰匙(はいさじ) with R at end of handle, L in front of R, then R in the middle. Stabilise hand with L, press down ash, then take out a small half-moon and put into 風呂. Put all back
  • Third feather (6 strokes), then feather goes back onto 炭斗, incense on 輪胴(わどう)and into the hot ash. 香合 lid in the middle of the .
  • Shift to 45°, get and shift to 45°, remove 鐶 and put them to the right of the .
  • Guest 「お風呂ちゅの拝見を」, host moves to diagonal side to pick up 灰器.
  • Sit in door with 水次 in front until 拝見 is finished.
  • Place 水次 facing , 茶巾 on lid, refill water, then wet lid in two strokes (fron and back), then front with 2 straight strokes, and back with mirrored つ.
    • If using 片口(かたくち), take lid with both hands, turn towards , and put down with both hands inverted instead of the 蓋置き.
    • After wetting, 茶巾 goes back onto the inverted lid, and the lid is put inverted onto the 水次.
  • Come back, sit in front of 風呂, and put back. Take 組み釜敷き with R, turn towards , and put back. Adjust , then put 鐶 away, with the open side on top. Slide back, open lid.
  • Take 炭斗, leave and bow.
後炭 呂
  • Described in CQ58
  • Preparation same as for 初炭, but:
    • 3 えだずみ instead of 5, and they are placed inverted at the front right
    • わど炭 replaces どずみ
    • かん open end down against わど
    • woven くみ釜式
    • incense on はひさい
  • おもおしあわせの上、お炭をどうぞ
  • おなおしの上、お香をどうぞ
  • 拝見 starts after 炭斗 has left (this is a difference to 盆香合, where you start the 拝見 after the cleaning of the )
  • When we did it with Miya 23, we left the 灰器 in the room for the 所望.


  • Enshuu-ryuu uses pine, bamboo and plum for edazumi!