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This is my personal little collection of notes about 茶の湯 and tea in general.


To organise my notes, I divide 茶の湯 into 12 aspects: * 点前 and 茶事 itself * the tea itself (see 抹茶 for tasting notes) * background knowledge (including its history, people, references to culture and seasons; and literature) * 和菓子 * 懐石 * architecture and 路地 * 道具 * clothes * * * * philosophy


A little glossary, some brewing advice and heaps of tasting notes:


I got a plan to (tea) world domination, including my calendar of what 点前 I practise when and what I call my capsule, a minimal list of 道具 with which I can do most 点前; I take note of the lessons I had and of teas that I got lying around in my cellar.

My teas I buy from these purveyors.