Ullrich (X 17) divided the 点前 into three levels:
Variation relating to the order in which things are done, or using special 道具:
Variations relating to the placement of things or special rooms:
➡️ So with these variations, you could actually spend quite a long time practising before you even need to study 子習.
The six 茶箱 lie a bit in an odd spot ⸺ they are taught together with 子習, but include more complicated elements such as handling of the 茶碗's 仕覆, the refolding of the 茶巾 or the cleaning of the surface the tea container will land on (similarly to 盆点); and, more importantly, finish exactly as they started, giving them a more 真 feeling.
In terms of order, 和敬 is probably the easiest, because it's always done without 拝見, directly followed by 卯の花, which is considered the 平点前 of the 茶箱. Then follows the set of 雪, 月 and 花; and finally the courtly 色紙点.
These are the 割稽古 for 行之行:
In CQ51 there's a brief footnote explaining that けんちゃ is offering tea at a Shinto shrine; while くちゃ at a Buddhist temple (both only done by the 家元, obviously).
In the Almanac, you find a different division into 8 basics (also called 小習) and 8 advanced techniques:
Almanac | 点前 | level |
盆香合 | basic | |
壺飾 | basic | |
軸飾 | basic | |
茶筅飾 | basic | |
長尾 | basic | |
台だて | possibly 貴人 | basic |
しくみ | ? | basic |
くみあわせ | possibly 重茶碗 | basic |
小習 | advanced | |
茶通 | advanced | |
唐物 | advanced | |
大天目 | advanced | |
盆点 | advanced | |
行台子 | advanced | |
真台子 | advanced | |
十段 | 大円盆 | advanced |